Albas Rock Climbing Mutton (Differentiated Prodects)

Release time:2021-01-19     Author:ACIC ASIA-PACIFIC CENTER

Applicant: Erdos 21st Century Pasture Green Industry Development Co., Ltd

Application Item: Albas Rock Climbing Mutton/Differentiated Feature Product Certification

Albas climbing goat is a unique ancient and fine breed in the west Ordos area. Meat and velvet and excellent, pure blood, is a national animal genetic protection breed. Based on the advantaged natural conditions of Ordos desert steppe, after long-term natural selection, the world's first-class velvet meat and excellent rare breed - Albas white cashmere goat. Albas white cashmere goat is listed as one of the 20 excellent breeds in China, and its cashmere is known as "soft gold" and "fiber gem".

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