Four years in prison, and we’re happy together

Release time:2021-11-19     Author:ACIC亚太总部

Over the past four years, the body has devoted itself to making women all over the world have a happy life. It has independently developed and continuously innovated the course of body and posture aesthetics, and has made this course an ACIC certified industry of body and posture aesthetics, at the same time, as the Creator and promoter of the industry, pay tribute to every brilliant woman. 

Over the past four years, we have cultivated the most powerful group of 100 mentors in the field with the efforts of the founding team and the enterprise concept of “Learning beauty, spreading beauty and becoming beauty”. More than 200 teachers share beauty and spread love, influencing millions of ordinary but extraordinary women in their classrooms in more than 400 cities across the country, awakening their beauty and brightening their dreams, and let their lives unfold. 

Four years of being grateful and serving the community. From the all-staff action to support Hubei, to emergency relief flood in Henan; from 76 days of non-profit punching, to the whole industry chain to participate in non-profit live broadcast, the body has always responded to the national call, actively contribute love. For our family members, we do our best to create a happy, warm and loving harbor for everyone. Standing on the Bank of Merrill Lynch China Headquarters Building, is a proud and proud home of each person, is a legend in the development history of the body posture aesthetics industry. 

Over the past four years, the body pays homage to the original mind, leading the industry with professional, with continuous innovation of quality courses, one after another refreshing the body posture aesthetics industry’s highest standards. Body for the development of the industry to pay the efforts, but also by the relevant departments of the state and social sectors highly recognized. Under the care and guidance of the Oriental Huaxia Cultural Heritage Protection Center, which is the only national cultural public welfare entity with overall planning for the protection of cultural heritage under the management of the National Ministry of Culture and tourism, the Body Institute group has formally established the “Huaxia Aesthetics Research and Development Project Organization”, which indicates that the body institute will take the body posture aesthetics as the core, at the same time, it has become a state-level research and development institution of eastern aesthetics such as Qipao Aesthetics, state protocol, image aesthetics, etc. .

Mr. Qiao Shenqian, former deputy director of the Organization Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and Director and chairman of the Oriental Huaxia Cultural Heritage Protection Center of the Ministry of Culture and tourism, was present at the group’s fourth anniversary celebration, to the body of the founder, the body of the president of the group, China Aesthetic Research and Development Project Organization Director Molly to award the highest honor. He expressed the hope that the institute and the Huaxia Aesthetic Research and Development Project Organization will continue to refine the research and development and innovation of various aesthetic courses, to inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture and Oriental Aesthetics, improve the cultural self-confidence and comprehensive quality of the Chinese people, enhance the soft power of national culture to make greater contributions.

 At the same time, Mr. Yang Xu, China’s chief certification officer of the ACIC International Professional Qualification Certification Center, also came to the scene and once again conferred another honor on him, as the “ACIC International Professional Qualification Certification Center Designated Image Aesthetic Certification Cooperation Agency”, this is the body of the group to continue to become ACIC designated body posture aesthetics, Qipao aesthetics, the state protocol aesthetics of China’s sole certification cooperation, once again to obtain the recognition of the International Authority Certification Body ACIC! Four years of perseverance, four years of hard work, four years of forge ahead, four years of great love to pay, but also the achievements of the industry one after another first. Four years in a row, four years in a row.

 From the class on the cultivation of attractive women to the class on the cultivation of the aesthetics of body posture, the courses of body posture now cover all aspects of body posture, state protocol and the etiquette of teenagers’body posture, and the signs of body posture, also from the round upgrade to a more square, which also means that the body adhere to the “Zhongzhengdao, the beauty of correction,”will become this great era of the most popular path of light. Body and body will also take “Bacon, casting the soul, enlightenment, moisten the heart”as the educational goal and direction, and devote to train the society the problem solver, the responsible person, the elegant life person and the lifelong athlete, at the same time let each person who comes into the body classroom, can make dreams come true and lead a happy life.

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